One Simple Way To Get Your Day Off To The Best Start

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“If I want to be in conversation with God, I hear Him through His word. I want the first voice in my head in the morning to be His word.”

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was behind the scenes recording an interview with Brant and author Jared C. Wilson (about his awesome book Friendship with the Friend of Sinners). When Jared said that it made total sense to me and I felt instantly convicted.

Usually when I wake up in the morning my phone is the first thing I reach for. Then the following sequence:

  1. Turn off alarm (or hit snooze).
  2. Roll my eyes and then laugh groggily at some inevitable early morning text/meme my brother sends me. I’m an early riser. He’s the only person I know that rises earlier than I do and he is deeply excited to send me foolishness before the sun is up.
  3. Check Google News
  4. Check all social media platforms

Minus my brother’s text (which usually brings me great joy), I never realized that’s a really rough way to start the morning. I never quite put together how many other voices I was giving access to my mind even before my feet hit the floor.

It wasn’t even 5 AM and already my attention was split 15 different ways.

So I decided I was going to do what Jared talked about in the interview. Right after turning the alarm off I was going to go to my Bible app and read the verse of the day. That’s it. Just the verse of the day.

No deep dive study at the break of dawn.

No coffee mug picture to post on Instagram.

No additional 4 hours of intercessory prayer.

Just a commitment that His word would be the first thing I would give my attention to. I’d have to bump my brother to #3. He didn’t mind.

So I’m here to challenge you.

Well…challenge is probably too aggressive of a word. I’m here to encourage you.

There. That’s better.

I’m encouraging you to let your first thoughts of the day be influenced by His word. Let His Word be the first thing to which you give your attention. I literally don’t see a downside to it. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s been life changing.

Once you’ve tried it for a month or two make sure you reach back out to us and let us know your experience doing it.

Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that subscribing to the STAR Uplifting Text of the Day would be a WONDERFUL way to begin this daily practice. Simply text the word “UPLIFTING” to 68255!

Sherri Lynn
Morning Show Host, STAR 99.1

ROTATOR Be Uplifted 2023


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Sherri Lynn


  1. Christine from NJ on November 16, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    Hello Sherri,
    The 1st thing I do when I wake up is count my blessing and say a pray for the strength and courage to make it through the day with my Abba ( The Heavenly Father) by my side.
    2nd thing is to Listen to Star 99.1 and then read my daily inspiration.
    By the time I get to work my heart is full, I have smiled, laughed and prayed along with you and Brandt on the morning show. The radio goes on to Star at my desk and it keeps me strong through the challenges the day brings me at my crazy busy job.
    I end my day with a lot of singing at the top of my lungs to Star and my prayers.
    I have chosen to sustain from social media for all but 1 hr a day and some days I skip ir all together.
    My life and heart have never been fuller!!!!!!!

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