Our only 17-year-old daughter is now officially a senior in high school. This startling fact has led to countless conversations and emotions as my wife and I consider what life will be like next year when she heads off to college.
I could go on and on about how amazing and difficult this time is for us.
But today, I want to honor all the people that have taught and coached her every year up until now. From her kindergarten experience all the way through elementary, middle, high school and all the sports in between. Not all of her teachers and coaches have been perfect, but they all have one thing in common: Their goal was to make our daughter smarter and prepare her for a successful future.
We know that the apostle Paul was an excellent teacher. You can see how he taught in the letter he wrote to his young friend Timothy, whom he really cared about and considered a faithful child in the Lord (1 Corinthians 4:17). Paul was like a trusted messenger, showing people how to follow Jesus. Timothy needed to learn some important things.
In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he gave a lot of advice. He told Timothy how to do his ministry, how to figure out what’s important, how to get along with other believers, and how to understand spiritual truths correctly. He even talked about how to handle disagreements and choose leaders for the church.
Paul was setting an example for us all. We should all care about the younger generation and try to be good role models for them as they grow in their faith. We should live the kind of life they should aim for, share God’s word with them, and help them become stronger believers.
Now, think about this: Who can you be a role model for this week? Tell me in the comments below!
Afternoon Show Host, STAR 99.1