Here’s What To Do If You Want To Be A Better Person

It’s happened to all of us. Someone did us wrong!

When somebody wrongs us, either by accident or on purpose, it can be extremely hard to get over it. In fact, we may never be able to reconcile with the wrongdoer. That said, forgiveness is essential and it gives us a chance to heal and become a better person. Don’t get me wrong. Forgiving doesn’t mean that you’re excusing what someone or a collection of people did. It especially doesn’t mean that you can’t still have feelings about what happened.

It may seem like you’ll never escape the emotions you feel when you’ve been wronged, but I truly believe that time heals all wounds. Don’t rush the process. Give yourself space from the event and focus on the present. You may never understand why they did what they did, but it can sometimes help to try to see things through their eyes.

God wants us to realize that He is a God of “second chances.” If we have sinned or made mistakes in our lives, He offers the opportunity to be forgiven, if we will just confess our sins. In the same way, we must be willing to forgive others and offer them a second chance. In every area of our life, God offers each of us the opportunity to start over. He can open up new doors, turn defeat into victory, and even create a way in this crazy world where there did not seem to be a way.

Today, ask God to help you become sensitive to sin. Confess your sins, and receive His freedom. Remember to forgive others who might have sinned against you. And don’t give up if you have experienced failure or frustration. Trust God! He can turn your defeats into victories!

1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Chad Mitchell

Afternoon Host, STAR 99.1

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Chad Mitchell


  1. Eliza Sansone on July 29, 2022 at 8:18 am

    Thank you Chad. I have been experiencing that with a close family member. I am trying to forgive her, but it is very hard to trust her again. Too many emotions, but God does call us to forgive. So hard to separate the emotions from the forgiveness process, but I will keep trying! Thank you!

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