Thanksgiving is right around the corner! You may be enjoying a nice quiet relaxing day at home, maybe you are heading out to the Macy’s Parade, maybe you are volunteering at your local soup kitchen, OR MAYBE you have a HOUSE FULL OF RELATIVES coming over! Bless your heart if you do! LOL!!!
Theses days, you can either bring something up that offends someone, or you can try to talk to the younger generation and they lok at you like you are a strange alien from some “uncool planet”… so big thanks to Real Simple Magazine for their list of Thanksgiving conversation starters! Here are some ideas for you and HAVE FUN!!!!
For Parents to Ask Kids:
Who is the funniest person at the table and why?
Pretend you just won $5 million. What’s the first thing you would buy?
What do you think is the hardest thing about being a parent?
For Kids to Ask Parents
If you could have named yourself, what name would you have picked?
What do you think is the hardest thing about being a kid?
If you could eat only one food on this table for an entire year, which one would it be?
For Kids to Ask Grandparents:
How did you celebrate Thanksgiving when you were my age?
What was your favorite thing about where you grew up?
What about my mom/dad drove you crazy when she/he was a kid?
If you could live in any decade of your life again, which would it be?
This is always a good one! Butterball has the turkey help hotline each November. Craziest questions the Butterball turkey line has received