Need Prayer? Share your request with the STAR community.

Prayer is talking to God. It is the way that God has given us to share the deepest feelings of our heart, our needs, and our desires with Him. Prayer changes things!

We believe it is important to pray for one another, so feel free to share your prayer needs, and let others know you are praying for them.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Requesting prayer for my two young adult sons for mental health and drug issues. Praying for my daughter to make godly decisions in her new boyfriend relationship

Praying for my husband to be more Christ-like, he says he is a Christian but he is not very warm, loving or affectionate

Received: November 18, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine

Do you Have a moment to pray for another listener in need?

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Requesting prayer for my two young adult sons for mental health and drug issues. Praying for my daughter to make godly decisions in her new boyfriend relationship

Praying for my husband to be more Christ-like, he says he is a Christian but he is not very warm, loving or affectionate

Received: November 18, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine