Look for the Good Things

We say it all the time during the Morning Show here at Star 99.1: “Look for the good things that God is doing every day.”

During this time of uncertainty, remind yourself that there is still good in this world. If you’re having trouble finding things, look to some of the stories from around the country:

Longtime school custodian graduates college in his 40s, becomes elementary school teacher at Briar Vista Elementary School in Atlanta, GA.

Teen, Kieran Moise, cuts off beloved 19-inch Afro for kids with cancer and raises $39K in Alabama.

Michigan judge swore in a lawyer who was once a drug dealer in his courtroom 16 years ago in Michigan.

Sure, the news is filled with a lot of negativity these days, but there are good, positive things happening as well. Don’t forget to see the good all around us. 

Dave Moore

James 1:17 “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

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