God Will Fit the Pieces Together

Have you ever been completely blindsided by something? Most of us have. I got some intense news this week that one of my best friends was moving but I had no idea they were even thinking about that. And now they’re leaving in just a few days! It felt super sudden and heartbreaking.  

I was really upset and I didn’t understand why my friend had left me out of the process. But while I was praying God reminded me that literally, nothing is a surprise to Him. He knows literally everything. And the other thing He reminded me of was He doesn’t take care of one person and leave the other one hanging. So while He took care of my friend, putting all the pieces together, wrapping everything up nicely in a beautiful red bow, He didn’t just forget about me.  

And He hasn’t forgotten about you either.

Sometimes it feels like it though. But if you just hang on, just keep praying and trusting, you’ll see how He was also putting all the pieces together for you, wrapping them up in a big red bow, and building something even better than you could have hoped for.

Kristen James

Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, Lord.”


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