Thank You!

Back in October, Dave had some vacation time so I was doing the afternoon show by myself. I had been having some pain in my abdomen for a while and was waiting on CT results. I assumed the doctors were going to tell me I had a hernia or had pulled a weird muscle. Nothing major. Or anything to be worried about. But when I left the office, I noticed so many people in the waiting room. Some looked stressed, some looked sad. I prayed for them on my way out and decided that the topic for the show would be “how do you encourage someone who might be waiting on some scary test results?” 

You guys called in, shared so much wisdom and encouragement, it was beautiful! And so many people were touched by it. My husband picked me up from the station that day and while we were driving home, the doctor called me. I put him on speaker to let Mike hear, expecting to be right about the hernia assumption. Instead, the doctor said I had a mass. 

My entire brain shut down.

A million thoughts could have been running through my mind in that moment but instead I had perfect peace. And let me fast forward a bit (because the health issue little to do with this story) God took care of me in every sense and that tumor has since completely disappeared so I’m perfectly fine! That’s a story for another time.

The point is, God knew I was going to get that call. So He had me ask that question on air, “How do you encourage someone who might be waiting on some scary results?” He had you guys call in and unbeknownst to me – encourage ME. He had Mike decide to drop me off and pick me up from work so he would be there to listen to the call when I completely zoned out. He washed His perfect peace over me. God knows exactly what He’s doing. And He is so faithful to us that He orchestrates every word said on the radio. We know that He uses Star to uplift and encourage you, but I want to say thank you to you guys! Because you are just as much of a blessing to us and God uses you to encourage us too! You are so loved and I am so thankful that you are part of our family at Star. 


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