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Prayer is talking to God. It is the way that God has given us to share the deepest feelings of our heart, our needs, and our desires with Him. Prayer changes things!

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I am trying to recover from an emotionally abusive relationship, that Praise God, I am finally out of. I am extremely anxious almost all of the time worried about what may happen next. I am thankful for having a support system, a therapist, and knowing Jesus, but my heart is truly hurting and breaking that someone could be so callous. I keep praying for a changed heart for him too. Please pray that even when I don’t feel the Lord’s presence that I can remember he is near to the broken hearted. And that my ex will finally heed the warning to leave me alone, both via communication and passively. Thank you.

Received: August 17, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I am trying to recover from an emotionally abusive relationship, that Praise God, I am finally out of. I am extremely anxious almost all of the time worried about what may happen next. I am thankful for having a support system, a therapist, and knowing Jesus, but my heart is truly hurting and breaking that someone could be so callous. I keep praying for a changed heart for him too. Please pray that even when I don’t feel the Lord’s presence that I can remember he is near to the broken hearted. And that my ex will finally heed the warning to leave me alone, both via communication and passively. Thank you.

Received: August 17, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine