This Proverb May Be Even More Brilliant Than You Think

Okay, maybe you’re tired of “life hacks”, but seriously: This one actually works.

It’s genius.

And it’s perfect for dealing with a fundamental human problem—anger!—that seems particularly a problem right now.

And we shouldn’t be surprised it works, right? I mean, God made us. He knows how to live.

There’s a famous Proverb that says this:

A gentle answer turns away wrath; but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

Maybe you’ve seen this in action. Maybe you’ve responded kindly to someone who was ticked off, and they calmed down. That’s a great way to live.

But here’s where I think this particular verse is doubly genius: When we respond gently to someone, it also turns away our own anger.

Not just theirs! Ours.

Try it sometime. Maybe in a social media thread, maybe in person, maybe on the phone. When we hear ourselves giving a gentle answer, we wind up immediately calmer. And that means we not only think more clearly, we develop a heart for the person we’re dealing with. We can be truly for them, and not caught up in our own emotions.

We’re now free to bless rather than curse them. When I do this, I can almost feel my body temperature drop, and the stress leaving my body. I’m not trapped in an argument in my head for the rest of the day and into the night.

I sleep better.

Again, no surprise, right? There’s another Proverb, about living life this way, in accordance with the wisdom of God.

When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Proverbs 3:24

Count me in.

Brant Hansen
Morning Show Host, STAR 99.1


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Brant Hansen


  1. Diane Robicheau on July 18, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Love it..and we all need it so much more in this day and age, God Bless!

  2. Edy (as in "Edy's Ice Cream!") Toussaint on July 18, 2024 at 11:17 am

    Absolutely right!!!! A gentle response dissipates the anger each person feels. And that positive change stays with both people emotionally, physiologically, and spiritually!!! Thank You, Brant!!!!

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