Unlock the Power of Gratitude: A Step Beyond Contentment

We talk a lot about contentment on the show. In fact, one of Brant Hansen’s famous lines is ‘…if you want to freak people out in this culture: be content.’

It really is true. Not only is contentment a rarity, when practiced consistently, it’s downright powerful. Our culture, advertisers and marketers in particular, are terrified of contentment. They should be. Think about it. You can’t sell a new car to someone who thinks the car they have is fine. You can’t lure someone into the Memorial Day Blowout sale for all new furniture if they’re satisfied with the furniture they have.

But there’s a step beyond that. A step that crystalizes contentment and sets it in place as a bedrock of your life. That step: GRATITUDE.

I actually take it a little further and call it incessant gratitude.

A step beyond contentment

King David it put it this way:

I will praise the Lord at all times.
    I will constantly speak his praises.

Psalm 34:1

So not only am I fine with that late model Toyota Camry I have…I’m grateful. I bless God for it…all the time. I understand that someone wishes they had it. I thank Him because there was a time that I couldn’t even afford that. So my praise creates a contentment that insulates me from murmuring, complaining, anxiety, depression, and more. Isn’t that powerful?

The Apostle Paul puts it this way:

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

I Timothy 6:6

GREAT GAIN! That’s sounds pretty nice, huh?

We have a savior to be thankful to

There’s been so much written about gratitude. In fact, lately, secular society has seemed to latch on to the benefits of it. Sadly (and I mean that genuinely), with the absence of a Savior and God to thank, the gratitude rings hollow. But we, as the children and beloved of God (I John 3:2) can thank our Father continually in all things.

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:18

This consistent gratitude, over time, develops an attitude of contentment that not only will change your life but will change and influence the lives of those around you.

It’s powerful. Try it!!

Sherri Lynn

Morning Show Host, STAR 99.1

More Posts for Show: The Brant Hansen Show


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Sherri Lynn


  1. Karin Hand on May 18, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    I agree, I’m thankful for my older car, hot water and showers, food in my belly, clothes on my back and the roof over my head. And I’ve lost a son less than 2 years ago but without my thankfulness, being grateful and my faith I don’t think I’d be here today.
    Thank you for this blessed reminder.
    Karin Hand

    • Sherri Lynn on July 15, 2023 at 12:25 pm

      So true. Prayers for you and your family, Karin. Sounds like God has given you amazing grace and peace. ❤️

  2. Edy Toussaint on May 19, 2023 at 12:41 am

    I Love This Idea, Sherri!!!!!!!!! When we grasp onto that feeling, it prevents the anxiety, anger, and sadness, from coming into our day. Contentment is a ‘negative-feelings blocker, right?!!!’ And, yes, the feeling of gratitude alongside contentment, softens us as well – all that we have, all that we’re blessed with – the people in our lives, too – are our reasons and motivations to be grateful to God!!!!

    Thank You For This Great Reminder!!!!!!!

    • Sherri Lynn on July 15, 2023 at 12:26 pm

      Yes!!! Gratitude + Contentment = medicine to our anxious minds and hearts!

  3. Dominick Regina on May 19, 2023 at 7:22 am

    Well said Sheri!

  4. Bernie Katz on May 19, 2023 at 7:49 am

    Priceless!! To give Thanks in all situations is Gods will-
    Says it all !! Thank you for this message – much needed for me!

    • Sherri Lynn on July 15, 2023 at 12:28 pm

      Thanks, Bernie! I actually need to be reminded of it over and over again!! “Giving Thanks is His will!”

  5. Tony Cardona on May 19, 2023 at 8:29 am

    I find that looking at the good in life and concentrating on what I positively have is the best policy…we often tend to grumble at life about we do not have…bad policy for health and our mindset.

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