Need Prayer? Share your request with the STAR community.

Prayer is talking to God. It is the way that God has given us to share the deepest feelings of our heart, our needs, and our desires with Him. Prayer changes things!

We believe it is important to pray for one another, so feel free to share your prayer needs, and let others know you are praying for them.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Praise God for his goodness and mercies towards me.

1. Please continue praying for God’s with my friend Stephen and I that God’s in our relationship to grow closer to God and each other.

2. Please pray that I can have a good birthday on Sunday despite of everything falling apart so far and that the teen girls in my class will serve Christ faithfully and see the love of Christ through my life.

3. Please pray for church and encouragement for my Pastor that he won’t give up on the people who aren’t fully committed to God yet but that our church can grow and have committed faithful workers.

Received: November 1, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Praise God for his goodness and mercies towards me.

1. Please continue praying for God’s with my friend Stephen and I that God’s in our relationship to grow closer to God and each other.

2. Please pray that I can have a good birthday on Sunday despite of everything falling apart so far and that the teen girls in my class will serve Christ faithfully and see the love of Christ through my life.

3. Please pray for church and encouragement for my Pastor that he won’t give up on the people who aren’t fully committed to God yet but that our church can grow and have committed faithful workers.

Received: November 1, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine